Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

FAQ List:

Why is your name GE3T3E?
My name is pronounced and can be spelt as GT, but due to most usernames needing 3+ characters, I extended it.
I wanted it to be Fancy so I added 3's in there thinking people could see how a backwards 3 looks like an E.
Not many were smart enough though.
How can we talk with you?
Personally, my dms are closed on personal and main accounts. I do have alts but very rarely use them. While I do not accept friend requests, I am happy to speak with you all in the public of my Streams, Videos, Posts, and Discord Server.
Where do you post content?
Mainly on YouTube.
Shorts I will add to TikTok and try to add to Instagram Reels, while I stream on both YouTube and Twitch (as of writing this, I am still trying to fix the multistreaming)